2. 返校上课须知:
  1. 请学生全程佩戴口罩,鼓励自备免洗洗手液 ( HAND SANITIZER )返校上课。
  2. 请学生记得佩戴学生证,并于 7:00am至7:45am之间到校刷卡,同时检测体温方可进入校园。
3. 请家长们注意,若孩子有不适、咳嗽、发烧、呼吸困难等症状或家庭成员进行隔离中,请勿来校,以策安全。请假者请通知班导师。
4. 校园防疫,时刻谨记。戴好口罩、保持人身安全距离、勤洗手,务必遵守防疫措施,以维护大家的健康与安全。
校长室 启
To: Teachers, parents and students
All students will resume classes in school on 3 May 2021 (Monday)
2. Instructions for returning to school:
  1. Students must wear a mask throughout the classes, and bring their own hand sanitizer to school.
  2. Please remember to wear your student ID, swipe your card at the school between 7:00am and 7:45am, and check your body temperature before entering the school compound.
3. Parents are reminded that if the child has symptoms such as discomfort, cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, or having family members who are in isolation, please do not come to school for safety. Please notify the form teacher to apply for leave.
4. Keep in mind to always adhere to the school’s pandemic prevention SOP. Wear a mask, keep a safe distance from others, wash your hands frequently, and be sure to follow SOP to ensure everyone’s health and safety.
Thank you.
Principal’s Office